Monday, October 18, 2010

I have a new favorite season...

Up until this year, I've dispised fall, simply because winter follows it! I HATE winter, and being cold.  However this fall has been SPECTACULAR.  The weather has been amazing, the colors are to die for, and I'm actually enjoying myself!

Brian and I planned out all our weekends for October, and the activities we wanted to do before the weather turns south.  On October 2, we hiked our last hike of the season, up to Chasm Lake. It's 8.5 miles round trip, and my favorite hike in CO so far.  AMAZING.  :)

Last Saturday, we went to a corn maze, outside of Longmont: Anderson Farms.  TONS OF FUN!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Custom Monogram Design!

After creating lots of monograms for various brides, via, and lots of positive feedback, a new found passion has been awakened in me! I absolutely adore designing monograms! I decided to start a design business as a hobby for a little extra spending cash on the side as we continue building our awesome internet retail business.

To package and further this dream, I have created a new blog to share my designs. Introducing Signatures by Sarah!

So excited! I will be posting designs that can be used as inspiration and direction for my clients, as well as client orders. I am offering 1 monograms for $5, 2 for $8, and 5 for $15. Clients receive full size original files in .PNG format, for use on invitations, favors, stationary, decorations, and thank you cards!.

Please help me celebrate by visiting my blog and leaving feedback on my designs. Obviously I'm new at this, and I'm very excited to expand!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Playing catch-up

Okay I haven't been very good at blogging! Anyways, here's a post to catch up to where we are today.

We have been craaaazy busy with business, family, and life! After Dream Night, we have been really fired up and anxious to hit a parameter called Eagle. It's a good extra $800 a month income and SO easy to do. Our goal is to have Eagle qualifications by our next major function- April, called Spring Leadership. Brian has been AMAZING the past week or 2, getting new business contacts and sharing our business with others! His goal is to share our plan 4 times per week. He's at 4 plans for this week already, and it's Wed :D :D

As for family, it's kinda the usual- I babysit by brother every Wed night, and some Sunday mornings to give my parents a break for attending church and their bible study.

We are filing taxes hopefully tonight!! Sooooo excited, because getting our return back means that we are THOUSANDS closer to paying off one of our BIG credit cards! We transferred 2 credit card balances (Brian has been paying on these cards for YEARS) to one single card, with a WAY lower interest rate. We went from 22% of both of the previous cards, to 7% for the new one! But since we combined both old cards, the new balance is LARGE, $9k.

We have planned out for the next many months our financial budget, and we are planning on paying off that $9k card at the end of MAY!!! What a FABULOUS 1-year anniversary gift!!!

So we are VERY anxious to get tax money back. I LOVE being self employed; our taxable income is SO low b/c of all the legal deductions, etc. LOVE IT!

We just bought a new dining room table too. The table we had was 4 years old, as I had bought it when I first moved out of my parents house. My tastes in decor have certainly changed, so we decided to sell the old table, and sell a bunch of things on Craigslist to pay for the new table. It worked fabulously! Here's the new table (stock photo):
So we are plugging away with financial goals, getting out of debt, and putting LOTS of money into savings! We are working on business goals and focusing on getting freeeeee!! I cannot WAIT to be stay-at-home newlyweds, and eventually parents; what a joy!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dream Night!

We attended Dream Night in Denver last night! It was fabulous! Dream Night is the smallest of the 4 major functions we attend each year. There were about 500 people there (the other conferences house 2-4k people!). They serve us dinner, and then it's a relaxing night of dreaming!! Multi-media productions along with 2 couple speakers, both diamonds in our business. Last night, we had the honor of hearing Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear and Glenn and Joya Baker. Ron and Georgia Lee are the founders of our leadership organization, World Wide Dream Builders. It was amazing meeting them, chatting with them during dinner, and hearing their dreams on stage!

"A man without a vision shall perish" (Proverbs 29:18)

PURYEAR.jpg (Ron and Georgia Lee)

BAKER.jpg (Glen and Joya Baker)
Glen and Joya are from CA, and built their business very quickly and have been free for 18 years. They live the ultimate lifestyle: freedom of time and money. They are dedicated to helping people achieve and live their dreams as well. Amazing, amazing people. Wow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1.What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? Got married! Moved in with my hubby; visited Bermuda!

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't think I made an resolutions last year... my goals this year are in place, and I'm working towards them.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope.

4. Did anyone close to you die? Brian's grandma passed on Christmas day.

5. What places did you visit? San Juan, St Thomas, Antigua, Bermuda, NYC, Seattle, Jackson Hole/Tetons WY, and C. Springs!

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? LESS DEBT!!!! More in savings... more money for fun :)

7. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? May 14- wedding; May 17-27- honeymoon

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting my mindset set on getting out of debt; working full time and building up savings; moving into a bigger place

9. What was your biggest failure? None really...

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? My knee is hurting again, from working out..

11. What was the best thing you bought? Brian's "new" car- 2000 camry, wedding stuff, storage unit for scrapbooking/misc items in office, SONY surround system!!!

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Brian :) for putting up with my craziness

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Certain family...

14. Where did most of your money go? Wedding, rent, and bills

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Our wedding!

16. What song will always remind you of 2009? Monster by Skillet; Wonderful Tonight-first dance song at wedding

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? MUCH happier, I've learned so many new things, and have such a drive and positive outlook on life
b) thinner or fatter? probably thinner by a bit
c) richer or poorer? MUCH richer, since we've combined finances!

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Relaxed :)

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Worrying

20. How did you spend Christmas in 2009? In Yakima WA, in a little red cabin southeast of mt rainier, in the cascades!

21. Did you fall in love in 2009? All over again :)

22. What was your favorite TV program? Heroes, Battlestar Gallactica, Dirty Jobs, Modern Marvels, Mythbusters

23. What did you do for your birthday in 2009? Went out to dinner

24. What was the best book you read? hmmm, not sure..

25. What did you want and get? A perfect wedding and marriage!

26. What did you want and not get? Bigger savings account

27. What was your favorite film of this year? Transformers, maybe?

28. Did you make some new friends this year? Yup :)

29.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Spending more time with God, and not worrying so much.

30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009? Myself :) Comfy bu fashionable. Not "trendy"

31. What kept you sane? Hubby

32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Uck, no one.

33. What political issue stirred you the most? Health care; taxes... don't get me started.

34. Who did you miss? Brian's family :)

35. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009? Trust. Have faith.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Eat, drink, and be merried!

Yay, this is our first Christmas as a married couple! We're very excited! We'll be flying to WA as usual, and actually get to sleep in the queen bed in the cabin attic! Wooohoo!

We decided to get a fake tree this year, instead of a real one... More cost effective and easier to care for ;)

My parents sold one of their extra trees to us, for $10! It's stunning and BIG! 7.5 feet tall, yay for high ceilings!

Here's our home decor:
Our "theme" this year is traditional Christmas, with golds, dark green, and wine :)

Black Friday adventure

Soooo this past Friday, we decided to brave the crowds and see what all the "hype" was about. We had been gifted with 3 Best Buy gift cards for the wedding and Brian's birthday, to the total amount of $200. We were eyeing a surround sound system for our TV, but most nice ones were outta the price range we could do. I happened to find a black friday ad on Wed online, and Beset Buy had their SONY 5.1 1000W surround system, complete with wireless rear speakers, 280W sub, stand alone front speakers, 5 disc changer player, on SALE. Regularly $430, the sale price was $280! We were going to order online, but the shipping was $40.. so we decided to have our first "black friday adventure". Hahahahaaa, wow. Never again ;)

We got in line at Best Buy at 4:50 am, doors opened at 5:03 am, got in, got the system, got out, at 5:12!! They even honored a 10% off coupon, so we paid $250, for the $430 sound system. Yeeeah.
The sound on it is BEYOND AMAZING. Wow, movies are a whole new experience now! We are thrilled with it.

Unless there's a specific item to shop for (like in this case) we've decided that getting up before it's light out and being in crowds of people.. is just dumb. Yuck. But it was an adventure ;)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Optimum Health

I've reached the point of hating the way I look, so it's time for a change! For the past 3 weeks or so, I've been counting calories, working out, and measuring. I started at 185 three weeks ago, and that's just not right. My ideal weight, according to the height/weight charts is 140-159 lbs.
(weight chart:

So, I'm tracking my progress on the weight loss board over at Slim Down group at

I will post periodic updates here as well to keep myself accountable.
Here are my goals:

Christmas (Dec 31): 165 lbs.
Dream Night (Jan 16): 160 lbs.
Valentines Day (Feb 14): 155 lbs.
One year anniv (May 14): 140 lbs.
Here's my start line: (Sept 19, 2009)

  • WEIGHT: 185 lbs
  • Height: 5' 6.5"
  • Thighs: L 26.5" R 26"
  • Hips: 44.25"
  • Waist (skinniest part/bending part): 33.5"
  • Bust: 41"
  • Arms: L 14.5" R 14.5"
Weigh-in #3 (Oct 10, 2009)
  • WEIGHT: 182 lbs
  • Height: 5' 6.5"
  • Thighs: L 25" R 25"
  • Hips: 42.5"
  • Waist (skinniest part/bending part): 31.5"
  • Bust: 38.5"
  • Arms: L 13.5" R 13.5"
I've lost lots of inches... and about 3 pounds :) I'm happy wiht the progress, even if a little slow. I've worked out this week: Sun-Thur (today) doing:

30-40 mins treadmill or run/walking outside (at the fat burning heart rate of 120 per min)
10-20 mins either ellitical or stationary bike
3 sets of 10 each, 40 lb weights for my quads

I haven't started on my upper body yet, as I need to learn some techniques for using free weights. :)

I'm also tracking my caloric intake at They have a VERY comprehensive list of exersises and foods for caloric values! You can track your water intake as well. My net caloric intake goal each day is 1800 calories. That's all my food, minus my workouts, not inlcuding my BMR (basic metabolic rate, which is 1600 calories per day). So with all the calculations, I should be burning between zero and 500 calories per day. Depends on the day ;)

Stay tuned for more updates! :D :D I will be posting pics as well.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

DIY lamp remodel

We have been re-decorating our bedroom; I painted 2 walls a dark taupe color, we're getting new lamps, a new bookcase, and possibly a new bed- headboard and footboard! The lamp that is on one of our nightstands is small, but I had the idea to put it on top of our armiore as an accent lamp. I wanted to re-vamp the lamp ;) to help it match our decor. So instead of sage green, I painted it to a antique brass style finish. Here's the instructions:

  • 2" painting brush, thick large bristles
  • 2 colors of acylic paint- I used "Folk Art" Asphaltum and "Folk Art Metallic" Taupe
  • paper plate or plastic lid

I first painted a medium thick coat of the darker color (asphaltum) over the entire lamp; I let it dry for about 15 mins. I rinsed out the brush.

I squeezed a nickel sized amount of the lighter metallic paint onto the plastic lid, and diluted it with water; about 1/2 and 1/2. I got some paint onto the brush, and gently wiped the brush onto a napkin to wipe off excess paint. You want to have a VERY VERY light amount of paint on the brush for the "over tone". I then made very light strokes on the lamp, around its circumference. This is a visual; you can add more paint if a lighter/brighter look is desired.

I also used tea mixed with a tiny bit of the taupe paint to paint the white lamp shade. It darkened it nicely.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

AMAZING, easy chili recipe

Brian and I wanted to make chili for dinner on Tuesday night... so i looked at a bunch of receipes online, and called my mother to ask what she puts in her chili. I basically "winged" the whole recipe, using at least 4 different recipes combined. Without further ado, my homemade chili:

  • 1-1.5 lbs ground beef, browned/cooked
  • 3 cans pinto, kidney, chili beans, or a mix of all
  • 2 cans tomato sauce
  • 1/2 large onion, chopped
  • 1 can whole kernel corn
  • 3 cans stewed tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 packet chili seasoning
  • chili powder, to taste
  • garlic powder, to taste
  • paprika, to taste
  • salt and pepper, to taste
Stir together in large soup pot, all ingredients. Simmer for 1-2 hours, add water if too thick. Serve with corn bread. Serves 4-6.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

101 things in 1001 days

I got this idea from Crystal's blog: I'm still trying to fill in the blank spots....

Start date: September 17, 2009

End date: June 14, 2012

Marriage & Family

1. "Date night" with Brian once per week (8/143)
2. Surprise my husband with a gift just because once a month (2/34)
3. Get pregnant, have a baby
4. Eat dinner with my family once every 6 months (0/5)
5. Continue building our marriage relationship, always improving
6. Visit Brian's family twice a year (0/5)
8. Watch a new movie once per week (8/143)

Mind, Body, & Soul

9. Lose 25 lbs. (starting at 185) (5/25)
10. Weigh myself every week (8/143)
11. Walk every night for 12 weeks (not consecutively) (0/84)
12. Blade/run 2 times per week (8/286)
13. Drink a min of 64 oz water 5 days per week (10/715)
14. Give up sugar for a month (0/34)
15. Wake up at 7:00 am for a week (0/7)
16. Spend 30 mins a week in prayer (0/143)
17. Read one book per month (1/34)
18. Read scripture in The Bible twice a week before bed (1/286)
19. Have a facial once every 6 months (0/5)
20. Get my first massage
21. Go to eye doctor, get new glasses
22. Get teeth whitened
23. Do at least 10 pushups per week (6/143)
24. Do 50 crunches 5 nights a week before going to bed (35/715)

Home is Where the Heart is

25. Buy our own house
26. Empty entire fridge, clean it, & put everything back in once a month (0/34)
27. Reorganize kitchen cabinets
28. Vacuum carpet once a week (8/143)

All Work, All Play

30. Take a photography class
31. Buy a professional camera
32. Achieve at least Platinum income
33. Start conversations with 5 strangers (2/5)
34. Give compliments to 10 new people (0/10)

Hit The Open Road

35. Go camping once per year (0/3)
36. Go on an extended weekend vacation once every 6 months (0/5)
37. Go to a state/national park & have a picnic once a month (April-Sept) (0/15)
39. Visit 20 different states (0/20)
40. Visit 5 NEW states (0/5)

I Love Food

41. Try 2 new recipes per month (3/68)
42. Go out to breakfast once every 2 months (1/17)
43. Enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate once per month (2/34)
44. Learn to make homemade cookies
45. Bake goodies at Christmas (0/3)
46. Eat at a new restaurant 1 time per month (0/34)

Friends are Forever

49. Host a party
54. Send Christmas cards to my friends/family (0/3)

Pinching Pennies

55. Put at least $300 per month in savings (1/34)
56. Make supper with items we already have rather than going to store for 1 week (0/7)
57. Make dinner at home for 4 (non-consecutive) weeks (0/136)
58. Sell items at a garage sale once per year (1/3)


59. Pay off credit cards (0/3)
60. Pay off my student Direct loan (0/1)
61. Buy a new computer
62. Buy a new car
63. Pay off Brian's student loan
64. Buy king size bed

Pay It Forward

65. Clean out closet every 6 months & donate old clothes (0/5)
66. Donate food @ Thanksgiving (1/3)
67. For every new item bought, donate one item to ARC

Just For Fun

68. Go skiing
69. Climb three 14ers in CO (0/3)
70. Go to a concert
71. Visit a zoo in 5 cities (0/5)
72. Visit a Museum
73. Go on a wine tour
74. Visit an amusement park
75. Take pics in a photo booth
76. Clean out my car once per week (2/143)
77. Go to Denver Aquarium twice per year (0/5)
78. Stay at a B&B in a different state (0/2)
79. Go to a spa for a day treatment (0/2)

Hobbies & Skills

90. Clean out fish tanks once every 6 months (0/5)
91. Play a piano once every 6 months (0/5)
92. Sketch/draw something once a year (0/3)
93. Get a dog/cat
94. Learn to make jewelry

Capture the Memories

95. Create shadow box of wedding items
96. Make wedding album
97. Take/edit photos from all events/activities/vacations/etc.
99. Get our pictures taken once a year (0/3)
101. Take 1 photo each day (10/1001)

101 in 1001

102. Donate $5 to charity for each item not complete on this list.
103. Make a new 101 things to do in 1001 days list once this is complete.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dream kitchens

One of the biggest dreams I have is to have a kitchen that's PERFECT. Big, beautiful, BOLD. I desire a kitchen that's larger than our current apartment. Here's some amazing ideas: I adore the rustic look, large wood beams, dynamic windows... mmmm, enjoy!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ruby means baby...

Okay, Brian and I have decided that "Ruby means baby" for us. When our business reaches a parameter called Ruby (about $150k-230k/year), we will start TTC. We're looking at about 2-4 years out. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that my mommy clock isn't ticking :) It's fun to dream about our future children, and being preggers!

I found these SUPER cute cakes that would be fabulous for any baby shower or party! Amazing!
(credit goes to Nadine2135 from

The following were found on Google, with credit below each pic.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Recap of our mini vacy

Okay our trip to Grand Rapids was entertaining and adventurous as usual! We started driving at 3:15 on Thursday, and I took the wheel first. I drove until 12:30 pm, when we reached Omaha and we decided to get a hotel. We were both exhausted. Brian hadn't slept 3 nights prior, so was in no position to drive himself.

Going in to this trip, we knew we'd have challenges. Nothing worth while is ever done easily. While driving across Nebraska, we were pummeled with a severe store, complete with tornado warnings, gold ball size hail, and wind and rain....

However, after traveling through the storm, God blessed us with an AMAZING sunset!!

We woke up the next morning and were on the road about 8:30 am, and spent another 11 hours on the road! We were in stop and go traffic on the south side of Chicago for 2 hours...

At 9 pm, we finally hobbled into our hotel.... and crashed out. The actual function didn't start until noon the next day, Saturday. We got up the next morning and drove out to the Amway surplus store to find goodies! They buy up extra overstock and sell it at a MAJOR discounted price. We got some new clothes, cleaners, napkins, etc.

Here's what the stage set up looked like this year. World Wide Group always does such an amazing job on everything!

We're looking forward to our next conference: Free Enterprise Days (FED) in C. Springs in October!

Annnnnnd, my hubby: it was a long ride home... 19 hours straight through...

At the Amway Grand Hotel: